Tuesday 16 August 2011

Weekend...always hectic....

This weekend i actually got 3 holidays because of independence day (15th August). i planned a lot to have some good sleep and rest. but whenever i plan for something it never happen. this weekend was more hectic. i never understand how the weekends passed so fast having lots of work incomplete and to be done in the next one...
the to do list was not so small...
1. three loads of laundry (2 done). the huge load was due to heavy downpour since last 10 days.
2. sorshe ilish (Hilsa with mastard). done.
3. attending an invitation. done.
4. preparing for the invitation and war with hubby (to wear or not to wear saree). i was determined to wear saree. done.
5. doing a total mess with the saree during a 55 km bike riding (unplanned/ was not in the list). but done totally.
6. preparing the special meal on 15th August. Ruhu kalia and shrimp cooked with mastered (Chingri sorshe). done.
8. huge puja shopping and playing with his credit card :). done partially. dont thing shopping will completed before puja. :)
9. visiting mummy papa at 10 pm. done.
10. last but not the least, almost losing purse and mobile (but got back luckily from the PASSPORT showroom). this was also obviously not planned but i did. 
unfortunately i dont have the pics of the recipe. was so much hungry that forgot to take pics. pls let me know if u need the recipe. till then....Happy Blogging.....    

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