Monday 10 October 2011

The Ghazal king left us...

for last half an hour i am trying to write something about my all time favorite Ghazal singer Jagjit Singh. but some lines are coming out from my mind that i unable to link properly. this is really a personal loss for me. i really can't believe Jagjit Singh is no more with us. We will never get any new gajal from his majical voice.

today was a very busy day even i didn't watched the news. now only when some sound of radio was coming from ground floor i was thinking why they are concentrating on ghazal only. but i was happy also that they are only playing Jagjit Singh. then the thought came in my mind is he alright? because he was hospitalized for many days. and my thought was right.....i really cant believe this........
his songs gave me my first love. i was crying when my hubby (at his teenage) send me some CD of Jagjit Singh and i really understood how deeply he loves me. The songs of Jagjit Sings was like getting my first proposal for love...Jagjit Singh is the reason for whom I got my first love.....
we really wanted to attend a live programme and wanted to tell him this story to him. i dont know with how many thousand life he is attached like this through his Ghazals....

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Puja countdown started with Mahalaya

Can you tell in which day in we search for the radio. yes, at least one day in the year we clean up, repair our radio to listen Mahisasurmardini. from this day our puja countdown starts.

this is the day from when we deny to concentrate in any new project. but this is not the case for me..........:(
I have my PhD thesis viva on Friday. i also have to spend at least one day in puja with my external examiner. ohh god i want to cry....
i really hate to do this but i have to.

anyway, i'll surely manage to spend this bitter days for my upcoming puja vacation. here is the full story of mahalaya. if you don't understand the lyrics at least you will surely enjoy the calm music and wonderful voices.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Some stills from Protect the boss

Rainy day and khichuri....a royal combination...

its all raining and raining...this year monsoon is very strong and is fulfilling our life as well as the field, roads, drains, railway tracks...water harvesting is not required if every year rain bring such blessings...but floods are also prevailing in some areas...

any way, i am writing this post after looong time about the sweet and yummy happenings of monsoon...that is KHICHURI...

if you really want to enjoy the 'borsar khichuri'(Khichri in the days of heavy downpour) you need to come from office with wet cloths, having folded bottom wear up-to knee...but the bad news is i had to cook by myself...for me and for others...i was missing the cooking of mom...any way, its give me immense  pleasure serving some good meal for some happy smiles....


Tuesday 16 August 2011

Weekend...always hectic....

This weekend i actually got 3 holidays because of independence day (15th August). i planned a lot to have some good sleep and rest. but whenever i plan for something it never happen. this weekend was more hectic. i never understand how the weekends passed so fast having lots of work incomplete and to be done in the next one...
the to do list was not so small...
1. three loads of laundry (2 done). the huge load was due to heavy downpour since last 10 days.
2. sorshe ilish (Hilsa with mastard). done.
3. attending an invitation. done.
4. preparing for the invitation and war with hubby (to wear or not to wear saree). i was determined to wear saree. done.
5. doing a total mess with the saree during a 55 km bike riding (unplanned/ was not in the list). but done totally.
6. preparing the special meal on 15th August. Ruhu kalia and shrimp cooked with mastered (Chingri sorshe). done.
8. huge puja shopping and playing with his credit card :). done partially. dont thing shopping will completed before puja. :)
9. visiting mummy papa at 10 pm. done.
10. last but not the least, almost losing purse and mobile (but got back luckily from the PASSPORT showroom). this was also obviously not planned but i did. 
unfortunately i dont have the pics of the recipe. was so much hungry that forgot to take pics. pls let me know if u need the recipe. till then....Happy Blogging.....    

Wednesday 10 August 2011

My lil garden..

Anyone who has a library and a garden wants for nothing.
Cicero i'll share my tiny garden with u. we desired to have a large one but don't have enough space outside our home. So we decided to do it on rooftop. so, I have a rooftop garden that makes me happy like anything. We started gardening to heal our soul. doing all the tiny things together we forget all the lacking of life. Our small garden brings lots of color to our life.

Monday 8 August 2011

Garden of new time killer

oohhh God! after looong trying I just stopped playing FARMVILLE. Last one year i was really glued with the game of ploughing, cultivating and harvesting and so many farm activities....
i thought now i can concentrate on my studies and some productive work....

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Senorita song from ZNMD

I like this song and the dress of Senorita...check it out.......

Sunday Special!

The Sunday Meal was prepared by me...the list was not very small...the menu was
1. Rice
2. Salad
3. Papad
4. Sambar
5.Colocasia shoots/stems (Kocur loti) coocked with Shrimp (Chhoto Chingri)
6. Chicken curry (Doi Murgi)
7. Chutney
8. Seviyan kheer vermicelli Payasam 

Chingrimachher Malaikari

This is a very yummy and famous bengali preparation of Pron....last week I prepared was really delicious!!!!! try it...

Thursday 21 July 2011

Scent of a Woman

From 23rd July the new Korean drama is going to be start....waiting for this!!!!!....the chemistry between them is really 'WOW'.....Here’s the first look of the upcoming weekend series....

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Dr. Batra....medicine caused more hair fall.....don't waste your money.......

For last one year i am experiencing extensive hair fall...knowing about Dr. Batra, reputed for hair fall control, i went...the doctors attending you more like medical representative than a dr.....from blood testing to shampoo using they are just doing business...they cant help you to reduce your hair fall but paying their bills your pocket  will surely be reduce in volume:)
so friends...dont make yourself a big fool....never fall in this trap called 'Dr. Batra'........

Monday 18 July 2011

Zindegi na milegi dobara....dont want to see DOBARA...

I watched the movie this wk end....had much expectations regarding the film....but the film was very slow....scenes were veryyy good script.....this proves what happens when a film with very poor script and some good actors involves....some moment are good and i enjoyed but over all i felt that, the film is about SPAIN TOURISM....we should earn a good amount of foreign revenue from this film :)

Thursday 14 July 2011

i love BEACH

Beach Captured Slideshow: Suparna’s trip to MedinÄ«pur (near Kharagpur), West Bengal, India was created by TripAdvisor. See another Kharagpur slideshow. Create your own stunning slideshow with our free photo slideshow maker.

ohh what a bad day i had today.....:(

Today was a bad bad day for me....i missed the train in the morning......i had to wait 1 hr for next train to go to the lab......this is just the beginning!!!!...reaching campus i re-filled up the form for assistant professor that i already sent wrongly.....just imagine how i was feeling while filling up the form....doing the bank draft again (waiting in the bank for 2 hrs.)....reaching home my .... guide gave me some nonsense project for a nonsense, ridiculous, most irritating person.....omg.......i just want to sleep now.... don't want to start any new project.....what about watching a movie?????

Thursday 7 July 2011

A little thing called LOVE...

Recently I watched a movie named A little thing called LOVE . This was a Thai movie having high school romance. today I don't have much time to recap the movie but I want to share a very nice scene...
I loved the movie as it reminds me the days of my school when I was crezy about someone...:)
Lets come to the scene...the heroine Nam was madly in love with a senior student Shone of their school. But, as she was a ugly duckling she could not think that the boy can love him....after a while she became engaged with another boy...
One day when she was on date with her boy friend, she got her leg twisted and her boy friend was carrying her. Shone was also present there and he was carrying Num's bag....she was sooo happy that Shone was carrying her bag.......
This is a very cute and feel good movie and must watch....

Sunday 3 July 2011

Raining, wetting and waiting Sunday......

Today is a Sunday...I have much work to complete but I don't like to start!!!
Its all raining and raining..... wetting the terrace, my small mind....feeling lonely but love, after a looong time I got some time to spend with me...

Yes, I am waiting for some one also...:)
Now I'll watch a movie...will write about it some other day....