Monday 10 October 2011

The Ghazal king left us...

for last half an hour i am trying to write something about my all time favorite Ghazal singer Jagjit Singh. but some lines are coming out from my mind that i unable to link properly. this is really a personal loss for me. i really can't believe Jagjit Singh is no more with us. We will never get any new gajal from his majical voice.

today was a very busy day even i didn't watched the news. now only when some sound of radio was coming from ground floor i was thinking why they are concentrating on ghazal only. but i was happy also that they are only playing Jagjit Singh. then the thought came in my mind is he alright? because he was hospitalized for many days. and my thought was right.....i really cant believe this........
his songs gave me my first love. i was crying when my hubby (at his teenage) send me some CD of Jagjit Singh and i really understood how deeply he loves me. The songs of Jagjit Sings was like getting my first proposal for love...Jagjit Singh is the reason for whom I got my first love.....
we really wanted to attend a live programme and wanted to tell him this story to him. i dont know with how many thousand life he is attached like this through his Ghazals....